March 29, 2024
Although it might seem like a great cost-saving measure, requiring tenants to be entirely responsible for all yard maintenance can be like fighting a losing battle. Firstly, experience, knowledge and general yard handiness is not the case for all tenants. Secondly, tenants are less likely to spend any amount of money or the appropriate time in maintaining the yard. This is no fault of the tenant, especially when they are not planning on staying long term. It can lead to having to replace and redo specific parts of the landscaping, not to mention the time cost or headache of trying to enforce this tenant responsibility. Requiring tenants to be responsible in multifamily properties can cause even more issues and friction between residents.
We highly recommend that the yard maintenance is entirely the landlord's responsibility. Mainly because you can be sure it is done right, but also, it can be an extremely off-putting part of the rental listing to see "Tenant responsible for all yard care." This expands your tenant pool and increases your chances of landing a high quality and responsible tenant. Your real estate asset should be of utmost importance and having someone half-heartedly care for it can be a big mistake.
It's important to know your target market and not design your landscaping based on a pinterest photo of a property in New York. Boiseans have particular needs and wants. Firstly, we love being outside and enjoying the fresh air. This is why an outdoor living area can really maximize the appeal of your income property. Consider adding elements like a patio, grill, fire pit area, picnic bench or even a simple garden swing bench.
Boise renters also love owning dogs. That's why ensuring you have a fenced yard and at least a small lawn is critical. This is often a deal breaker for prospective tenants. If you haven't read our blog on pets in rental units, read that here.
Illuminate outdoor areas with string bulbs around living areas or solar lamps along pathways. This can create an inviting atmosphere for outdoor gatherings and take your listing to that next level.
Perennials are plants that can survive the harsh Boise winter and reemerge in the spring. This is a must, so you're not buying new plants and replanting on an annual basis. Local plants are also a great option as they are adapted to the region's climate and soil conditions, requiring less water and general care. Below are some of our favorite options for low maintenance plants suited to the Boise climate.
Golden Currant
Arrowleaf Balsamroot
Spartan Juniper
Lewis' Mock Orange
Red Osier Dogwood
Woods’ Rose
Common Yarrow
Rose spirea
Common Snowberry
It is important to remember that your investment property also has it's own needs and goals; of which appearing in a gardening magazine is not one. Low maintenance and low cost is still important; and this can be done without resorting to the stale artificial turf and concrete look. Incorporating gravel pathways or borders to lawns and patio areas can reduce maintenance and water demands. However, spacing junipers or other shrubs in these areas can really make it stand out.
Beautiful green lawns, while classic, require substantial water and maintenance. Maintaining yet minimizing lawn space to reduce water consumption and mowing costs is a good idea. It's also important to avoid watering during the hottest part of the day to prevent evaporation and get the best use out of that water cost.
While Boiseans appreciate nature, it's essential to strike a balance between greenery and functionality. Opt for landscaping features that enhance curb appeal without overwhelming the property in costs.
Outdoor decor can have a very personalized taste. Try to keep the outdoor space neutral and adaptable to a range of tenant preferences. Simple additions like a bird feeder can be a cheap, zero-maintenance way of adding value to the tenants experience. Raised garden beds can be another excellent use of space that tenants might love. They can be cheap, long-lasting and create a sense of home and appreciation for the tenant. Of course, maintaining and using these beds should be entirely up to the tenant. Landscaping can also enhance tenant appeal by providing privacy. Privacy is a priority for many renters, especially in multi-family properties. Strategically placed shrubs, trees, or screens can create private outdoor spaces for tenants to enjoy.
In the Boise rental market, landscaping serves as a crucial tool for attracting and retaining tenants. It's important to keep in mind the big picture when it comes to yard maintenance. It is not a chore or an expense line item, but rather a way to increase tenant satisfaction, reduce vacancy and optimize your rental property's performance. By keeping in mind all that Boiseans enjoy and blending aspects of appeal with practicality, your rental's landscaping can be a great asset.
PO Box 4562
Boise, ID 83704
4629 Cass St #320
San Diego, CA 92109
Boise: (208)-391-3203
San Diego: (619)-333-0287